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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - BRACES AND ALIGNERS


 Patients may wear braces for a much shorter period of time during treatment, then continue their treatment with clear aligners until full results are achieved. Hybrid therapy simply means that more than one treatment modality may be used during treatment. The goal of hybrid treatment is to retain the best possible aesthetic appearance during treatment, while also minimizing the period of time that the patient has to be in treatment. This means that the doctor will generally choose the most effective modality in order to speed up the efficiency of the treatment. Because braces can make corrections that aligners alone cannot make, in most cases, this will typically include a period during which the patient will wear clear or ceramic braces that are discreet in appearance while producing powerful changes in the structure of the teeth and underlying bone structure. This period will typically be followed by a period during which the patient may wear clear aligners. 

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