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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Enamel Erosion

Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is a common dental concern that occurs when the protective outer layer of your teeth, known as enamel, begins to wear away due to various factors. This natural but gradual process can be accelerated by several external factors, such as a high-acid diet, acidic beverages, or certain medical conditions. One of the primary culprits behind enamel erosion is the consumption of acidic foods and drinks, including citrus fruits, sodas, and fruit juices. These substances can weaken the enamel's mineral structure, making it more susceptible to erosion. Additionally, individuals who suffer from conditions like acid reflux, bulimia, or frequent vomiting are at an increased risk of enamel erosion, as stomach acids can come into contact with teeth, leading to gradual enamel breakdown.

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