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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Enamel Erosion

Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is a dental condition characterized by the gradual wearing away of the protective outer layer of the teeth, known as enamel. This process typically occurs due to the prolonged exposure of the teeth to acidic substances, which can be derived from various sources such as certain foods, beverages, and gastric acids. The acid softens the enamel, making it more susceptible to erosion over time. Common acidic culprits include citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, and some acidic foods. As enamel erodes, the teeth become more vulnerable to sensitivity, decay, and discoloration. The loss of enamel can also lead to changes in the tooth's appearance, such as rounded edges and an overall flattened surface. In severe cases, it may expose the underlying dentin, contributing to increased sensitivity and discomfort.

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