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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Headache And Migraine

Headache And Migraine

Headaches and migraines are common neurological conditions that can cause significant discomfort and disrupt daily life. Headaches typically manifest as pain or discomfort in the head or upper neck region and can result from various factors, such as tension, sinus issues, or dehydration. Migraines, on the other hand, are a more severe and debilitating form of headache characterized by intense throbbing pain, often accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. While the exact causes of migraines are not fully understood, they are believed to involve complex interactions in the brain and genetics. Both headaches and migraines can be triggered or exacerbated by factors like stress, lack of sleep, certain foods, and hormonal changes. Effective management of these conditions may include lifestyle adjustments, medications, and stress-reduction techniques, with the goal of reducing the frequency and severity of episodes. It is essential for individuals experiencing persistent or severe headaches, especially migraines, to seek medical evaluation and guidance for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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