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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Hyperdontia


Hyperdontia is a dental condition characterized by the presence of an excessive number of teeth in the oral cavity beyond the usual number of primary and permanent teeth. In most cases, humans have a set number of primary (baby) teeth and a set number of permanent (adult) teeth, totaling 32 teeth in a healthy adult mouth. Hyperdontia, however, results in the development of supernumerary teeth, which are extra teeth that can grow anywhere in the oral cavity. Extra teeth can lead to crowding and misalignment of the existing teeth. Supernumerary teeth may not erupt properly and can become impacted, causing pain and discomfort.  The presence of extra teeth can disrupt the normal development of adjacent teeth. Extra teeth can affect the appearance of the smile and facial symmetry. In rare cases, supernumerary teeth can be associated with the formation of cysts or tumors in the jawbone.

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