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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry refers to the use of lasers in various dental procedures to perform precise and minimally invasive treatments. Dental lasers emit a narrow, intense beam of light energy that can interact with oral tissues, allowing for targeted and controlled applications. Laser technology has revolutionized several aspects of dentistry, providing numerous benefits for both patients and dentists. Dental lasers are commonly used for soft tissue procedures. They can precisely remove or reshape gum tissue, treat gum disease (periodontal therapy), remove oral lesions, and perform gum contouring for cosmetic purposes. The laser's energy can help minimize bleeding and promote faster healing. Lasers can also be used for certain hard tissue procedures, such as cavity preparation and tooth decay removal. Lasers can selectively target and remove decayed tooth structure while preserving healthy tooth structure. However, lasers may not be suitable for all types of cavities, and traditional methods may still be used in some cases. While laser dentistry offers many advantages, it is important to note that not all dental procedures can be performed with lasers. The choice of treatment modality depends on the specific dental condition, the dentist's training and expertise, and equipment availability. Additionally, laser dentistry may not be suitable for all patients, such as those with certain medical conditions or specific oral anatomy. 

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