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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Periodontics (Gum Treatment)

Periodontics (Gum Treatment)

Scaling and root planing is similar to routine dental cleaning. But it cleans deeper beneath your gums, removing plaque and bacteria where your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. Periodontists recommend this treatment for people with mild gum disease. During this procedure, a dental hygienist cleans (scales) the plaque from your teeth and then smooths out (planes) your root surfaces to keep bacteria from reattaching. The procedure is usually done in at least two visits using local anesthesia. People with moderate to advanced gum disease may need pocket reduction surgery (also called osseous surgery). The goal is to remove plaque and tartar that are so deep under the gums that your hygienist can’t reach it. During this procedure, a periodontist makes an incision (cut) in your gums and creates a flap. This allows them to temporarily move your gums back from your teeth roots. Next, they’ll clean the plaque, tartar and bacteria from your teeth roots and smooth out any rough areas. Once complete, they’ll reposition your gums and close the incision with stitches. Oftentimes, periodontists combine pocket reduction surgery with other regenerative procedures, such as bone grafting, gum grafting or guided tissue regeneration.

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