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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Pulpitis


Reversible pulpitis is an early stage of pulp inflammation. In this stage, the dental pulp is irritated or inflamed but can still recover. Common causes include dental cavities (caries) that have not penetrated deep into the pulp, minor trauma to the tooth, or exposure of the pulp due to dental work like a deep filling. Symptoms of reversible pulpitis may include mild to moderate sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures and occasional mild pain. It can often be treated by addressing the underlying cause, such as removing decay and placing a filling. Irreversible pulpitis is a more advanced stage of pulp inflammation. In this stage, the dental pulp is severely damaged, and it cannot heal or recover on its own. It is typically characterized by severe and persistent pain, often spontaneous and not relieved by over-the-counter pain medications. Common causes of irreversible pulpitis include deep dental cavities that have reached the pulp, trauma that has severely damaged the tooth, or untreated reversible pulpitis. Treatment for irreversible pulpitis usually involves a root canal procedure, which removes the infected or inflamed pulp from the tooth's interior and fills the space to save the tooth. 

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