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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Stained Teeth

Stained Teeth

Stained teeth can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness for many people. The discoloration or staining of teeth can result from a variety of factors, including dietary choices, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and even certain medications. When teeth become stained, they can appear yellow, brown, or even gray in color, which can detract from a person's smile and overall appearance. The stains on teeth can be categorized into two main types: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic stains are typically caused by external factors such as drinking coffee, tea, or red wine, smoking, or consuming foods and drinks with strong pigments. These stains often affect the outer layer of the tooth, known as enamel, and can sometimes be removed or reduced through teeth cleaning, whitening toothpaste, or professional dental cleanings.

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