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Avinashi Multispecialty Dental Cinic - Latest update - Tooth erosion

Tooth erosion

Tooth erosion is the gradual loss of tooth enamel, the hard, protective outer layer of teeth. It occurs when acids, typically from food, drinks, or stomach acid, attack and weaken the enamel. This can lead to various dental problems and can be a concern for oral health. Consuming acidic foods and beverages such as citrus fruits, soft drinks, fruit juices, and vinegar-based products can contribute to tooth erosion. Stomach acid can make its way up into the mouth due to GERD or acid reflux, leading to enamel erosion. Frequent vomiting exposes the teeth to stomach acid, which can erode enamel over time. Some medications, such as aspirin, antihistamines, and vitamin C supplements when chewed, can be acidic and contribute to enamel erosion. A lack of saliva can increase the risk of tooth erosion because saliva helps neutralize acids in the mouth and remineralize enamel. 

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